Friday, June 27, 2014

My last post

Hi guys again! This time I feel a bit of sad, because it will be the last time that I will write in my blog. To be honest, at first I thought that have a blog was a boring idea, somewhat outdated. Although, now I don’t want to stop writing. This is crazy!

The experience of have this blog (my blog) helped me to improve my vocabulary, redaction and grammar through write different things like my favourite film, photography, myself, technology, etc. Many times it was a big challenge to me, but I always tried to give my greater effort (or that I think hahaha).

About what I would like to include in the future for this course, I would want to the possibility to add an activity where we have to make a little video talking about something related with our work area and upload it here. That would be very spectacular. Also, in the future we could write somewhat artistical as create a short story or a poem. 

Finally, I thank for the opportunity to learn from innovate way and the constant preoccupation for teach us.

A hug for everybody and I hope that you enjoyed all my posts.

Best regards.

Saturday, June 14, 2014


Hi guys! This time I'm going to write about a Muhammad Arslan Ashraf's paper, published in African Journal of Agricultural Research, two years ago. This plublication described the waterlogging problem in many world's regions. This stress cause constraints that affecting the crop. The most important of these is the low oxygen level in the soil, what generates a energy crisis due it inhibits the root respiration. Furthermore, waterlogging produces a decline in  water and nutrients uptake, oxidative damage by reactive oxygen species (ROS) and morphological and anatomical changes. All of this inducing alterations in the physiology mechanisms as the decreasing of stomata conductance, transpiration, net photosyntethic rate and maximum quantum efficiency of photosystem II, result in a reduce the yield and productivity of the crop. 

The objetive in the future is find agronomic managements and tolerant varieties that bring solutions to this big environment problem. 

I hope that you like what I wrote.
See you !

PS: If you find interesting and want to see this paper, I leave the bibliography bellow. 

Ashraf, M. 2012. Waterlogging stress in plants: A review. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 7(13): 1976-1981.

Friday, May 30, 2014


Hello guys again! I hope you are fine. Today, I will talk about the movies. Well, what's the movie? Movie also called film is a series of still images which, when shown on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images. As you know, exist any kind of this. We can find dramatic, fantastic, historical, porn, comical and thriller movies. In my case, I love thriller and horror movies. For example, some of my favourites are "The blair witch project", "The shining", "The Texas chainsaw massacre" and ""

Respect about directors, I feature to Stanley Kubrick a genius where you look. If you can, see his movies.

Others of my favourite films are "Trainspotting" about a group of friend drug addict, "Pulp fiction" masterpiece of Quentin Tarantino and "Amélie" that describe life in Paris from another point of view. I recommend you all of these.

And you? What are your favourite films? 

See you nex time

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Hello guys! Today I'm going to talk about one of my favourites photos. Yes, the above. In this time I was blond, more skinny and boy scout.

This picture was taken for a guy that who was walking in the street in March 20th, 2011. I feel like this be since many years, but it's only 3 years ago. It's unbelievable how time flies, or not?

I love this photograph becouse there are all of people that worked with me and finish being friends. Good friends. Now, one of they are in Monterrey (Mexico) studying sport journalism, other graduated of medical, other was changed career and now is studying ecotourims, the woman was mother the last year and her baby called Ignacio, the same name that has the boy with black t-shirts. The last one together Enrique (or Nejo, this is how we tell him) are the nearest of me and every weekend we laugh together.

It's unbelievable how time flies. Perhaps how we'll are in 3 years more. I just hope that just as happy now.

See you next time! 

Monday, May 12, 2014


Hello guys! This time I'm going to talk about our beloved cell phones. It's awesome all functions that can do. We can no just call with this device, also we can take a pictures, listen music, send a messages, use the chat and surf for Internet. All these things let us live more easy, permit us share with our friend and family, forgetting of the distances. Althought, it's necessary say that we can't live glued to cell phones all day (like shows the below image). Remember that the cell phones is a tool, no a lifestyle.

I hope that you post what's your favourite cell function. Mine is take photos to anythings and then, look them and remember what happened. It's amazing.

See you soon guys. Goog luck!

Thursday, April 24, 2014


A wide-angle view of fragile Earth is a video of Yann Arthus-Bertrand, a french man know for be photographer, journalist, reporter and environmentalis. His video shown how we (the people) is destroying the Earth. How we are decline the World's forest, the ice of the glaciers, the fish of the sea, the soil productivity and, in general, all of resources of own planet. If we want to stop this problem, we need to act now. We must take conscience that this disaster concern all of us and the biodiversity too. Please, try to change, because if every one of us do it, we can save this beautiful planet called Earth. 

I hope that do you like this summary.
See you in the next time.

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Do you know how many people there are in the world? Do you have any idea? Well, I will tell you about this.
The world population has been a discussion topic for many years, due to its quickly increase in the last time, that could result in depletion of nature resources. 114 years ago, the world had 1,65 thousands of millions people and in 2010, the population was 6.854.196.000 (see the Graphic Nº1) and every day we are more and more.

                                          Graphic Nº1: World population.

Then, I will show two example of this rapid rise of population. The first case is Mexico. In this country we can see an exponential increase of population in the last 100 years. In 1910 it had 15.160.369 persons and in the 2010, 108.396.211 (Graphic Nº2). That means a rise about 715%. While, the chilean population has presented a rocket growth too, although in comparation with Mexico was lowest. In 1910 it was 3.327.025 persons and one century after 17.094.275 (Graphic Nº3). That reflects an increase of 513%. 

                                          Graphic Nº2: Mexico's population.

                                          Graphic Nº3: Chile's population.

If we have a good managment on the population control, we could have a sustainable development and then a better future for all people around the world.

See you in the next time!